
To access the catalogue and other online resources check out the Libguides 页面.

图书馆 services include reference, instruction, citation assistance and printing. In addition to physical resources and space, the 图书馆 consists of a wealth of electronic resources across all disciplines.

Located in the Rollins Campus Center, the Miller 图书馆 serves as a hub of campus. With close access to dining and other campus services, students find the library to be a regular part of their day. Private and collaborative study areas, printing services and comfortable seating make the library a student-favorite destination. Wireless access is available throughout, and YHC students have access to a large 24 hour study space with technology.

Several Ways to Get in Touch

Come to the service desk and ask

If we look busy, it’s because we’re doing other stuff waiting for you to ask a question. If you don’t see a librarian, ask the student at the desk to get one for you.


You 可以 text the library at (706) 383-0003.


主要的泽尔 & Shirley Miller 图书馆 phone number is (706) 379-4313. That number should be answered any time the library is open. If you need a specific member of the library staff, 点击这里 to find the appropriate contact information.


填写 这种形式 with your questions and we’ll reply as soon as we 可以. If you need immediate help, please call us at (706) 379-4313 or 点击这里 to find contact information for a specific staff member.

a group of people posing for a photo


The YHC Archives exist to collect the institutional history and memory of Young Harris College. Persons interested in the YHC的历史 should come to the library for general information, or contact 杰奎琳并 at (706) 379-5315 or fill out this contact form to get assistance with their inquiry.

Collections are open to the public during regular business hours or by appointment.

Special Collections

Byron Herbert Reece Collection

Byron Herbert Reece was born in Choestoe, 联合县, 乔治亚州, and lived all of his life in this area. He achieved critical acclaim, if limited commercial success, for his poetry and his novels. While writing and farming, Reece was also a student and faculty member at Young Harris College until the time of his death in 1958. The Byron Herbert Reece Collection includes letters, 未发表的诗歌, 教学用品, and his personal book collection.

Richards Comics Collection

The Richards Comics Collection contains over 9,000 comic books available for students, faculty and the community to use. The collection includes comics printed by over 60 different publishers representing over 1,300 different series and spanning a multitude of universes. There are plenty of popular comics with more than 800 comic books featuring Batman and over 500 with Green Lantern. It also includes a number of less popular characters and even a few non-superhero comics like Barbie and Katy Keene.

Merle Mann Artifact Collection

Containing Native Ameri可以 artifacts which were a gift of Mr. Merle Mann在1950年, a portion of the collection is on display on the second floor of the Rollins Campus Center.

Ogletree Lincolniana Collection

2003年,牧师. David Ogletree donated his collection of Abraham Lincoln memorabilia to Young Harris College. This collection has over 1,800本书, 小册子, 图片, 邮票, and other items representing America’s fascination with our nation’s 16th president. A portion of the collection is on display in the Special Collections Reading Room.



Student at service desk in library

What 可以 a librarian do to help you?

  • We 可以 help you learn how to use our resources.
  • We 可以 help you locate material in the building — we’ll help you find a book, journal or a DVD.
  • We 可以 suggest keywords to use while searching or approaches to take with your research to help you get started.
  • We 可以 help you identify the information you need from your sources in order to cite correctly.
  • We 可以 help you get started on that paper!
Third floor of library

What 不能 a librarian do to help you?

  • We 不能 perform research for you and have you return later to get it…learning to do the actual research is part of your responsibility as a student.
  • We 不能 proofread your paper.
  • We 不能 proofread your citations.



Dean of 图书馆 Services

(706) 379-5196



Librarian for Instruction and Access

(706) 379-5105



Associate for Interlibrary Loans and Special Collections

(706) 379-5315



Associate of Administration

(706) 379-5198







